The Corona Virus Disease, popularly known as COVID-19, first appeared on this heavenly planet Earth on 31st December 2019, in the Chinese city of Wuhan. It has been one of the most deadliest viruses which has questioned the existence of humankind.  In a latest research held in London by the International Medical Institutions which included the international Royal Medical Institute of the United Kingdom, scientists have got to know about one of the most shocking things about CORONA, which has given an answer to the question, that it will never end.

Let me first tell you what exactly have they found out in the research. From day one, we all had been told that this deadly Virus spreads through droplets when someone sneezes. This meant that only if you were in the vicinity of a COVID patient, will you have any chance of getting infected with COVID. But now, this has been proved wrong. The researchers found out that Corona Virus spreads through air and it has now been kept in the category of air-borne diseases. 

When will COVID-19 end? In coming years, when all the world will be vaccinated, we will be able to develop herd immunity. But the resent cases in India and America about COVID infections after both doses of vaccine indicates that COVID can never end if we rely on herd immunity. Recently, ex prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh was found positive in COVID research. Unfortunately, senior doctors have said that this COVID will never end in future for atleast 15-20 years. Just like mild diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Swine Flu, Severe Cough, Yellow Fever etc., it will spread in all parts of world every few year. But after vaccination programs, its intensity will be low, and only a part of society, who live an ultra-luxurious life will have any chance to get infected by it. Rest, the majority of us, who live in towns, and earn our living by working hard, will not be a vulnerable target of COVID-19.  

So what can we do to end it? Before killing Corona Virus, we have to kill another virus. This is virus of carelessness. Only after we succeed in killing this virus of carelessness, will we be able to win our fight against this virus and free ourselves from the stigma of this pandemic. The best way to be safe is to wear mask even if your country gets very less cases, say only 500 per day. Keep wearing mask for next 2-3 years every time you step out of your house. 

The Story of Success:-

1. Israel- After 50% of its population has been vaccinated, Israel has officially undeclared emergency and has made the mask optional to wear. 

2. United Kingdom- The country where the second COVID variant first arose, has also opened its coffee shops, cafes, cinema houses without mask compulsion.

3. China- China has also removed all kinds of restrictions from Wuhan, the birthplace of Corona.

Please read about why COVID is spreading again here:-

Please read about COVID vaccines over here:-

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