The Progress In Today’s Education
The hand that feeds is bit
The preceptor who knowledge imparts
Is snubbed, slighted and twit
This is the progress in today’s education
Good qualities are not sought
Righteousness to the back seat receded
Right knowledge is not got
This is the progress in today’s education
Character is confined to books
The mind is totally polluted
Morality is not for them- crooks
This is the progress of today’s education
All actions are based on selfishness
Little thought for other persons
Ethics is lost in the air with fullness
This is the progress in today’s education
People seek luxurious life - very good
They look about for power & position
They are in quest of wealth as they would
This is the progress in today’s education
By-: Shivranjini Naruka
School-: MGD Girls’ School
Such beautiful poem!