“Intellectual Property is a key aspect for economic development- Craig Venter”.

In ancient times India was known as ‘The Golden Sparrow’. It means that at the time India was a prosperous and developed country. Here the economy was mainly based on simple living, hard work and mutual brotherhood. Sufficient food grains were obtained from fertile land and cottage and rural industries made their living easy. Trade was done on large scale with people that, the state and villages were happy and prosperous. In ancient times under economic development along with materialistic facilities human values were also given important place. The great thinker, Kautilya, described these thoughts in detail in his book ‘Arthshastra’. 

According to classical economist Adam Smith, economic development has been defined as increase in goods and services of a country. Karl Marx considered economic development as the establishment of socialism J.S. Mill’s opinion about economic development is totally different. He considered economic development as to follow the principle of cooperation for welfare of people and economic development. Among the new economists Paul Albert considers economic development as the increase in real national income by use of all productive resources NY a country. While I’m the opinion of Williamson and Bustricks- development is the increase in the per capita income of the people of a country.

Economic planning-

Economic planning is a process in which economic resources are used to obtain some clear and defined aims in a specified period of time. Thus it can be said that two things are essential in economic planning such as 

1. Pre decided aims which have to be accomplished.

2. Description of the use of available resources to obtain the pre determined aims.

In economic planning the government decides how will the economic resources be utilized for the maximum satisfaction of the society. The economic resources of the country are estimate before planning.

Planning in India and aims of planning-

After the independence, in order to Make plans for the country and planning commission was set up on 15th March 1950, for the country. In India the national leaders and experts emphasized on the need of construction of the nation before achieving independence. In 1934, Sir Vishweshvarya presented a ten years plan for the economic development and reconstruction of India for the first time. After that in 1944 The Bombay plan by the major industrialists of the country and The Gandhian Plan (Gandhiwadi Yojana) by Shriman Narayan was presented, but these plans could not implemented due to some practical reasons.

Indicators of development-

Gross national income is accepted as measure to compare the level of development between different countries for a long period of time. Professor Morris developed a physical quality of the life index (or PQLI) in this direction. Similarly, Professor Paul Streetan emphasized on accepting the basic need approach. In the year 1990 United nations organization “Human Development Indicator or Index” by giving absolute form, to these thoughts. After this, these indicators of economic development were published in the reports of Human Development Indicators. Both physical and non physical factors are included in Human Development Index. Gross domestic product such as physical factor and child mortality rate, life expectancy and educational achievements as non physical factors are included in it.

Tenure/ Duration of various five years plan in India-

From 1947 to 2017, the Indian economy was premised on the concept of planning. This was carried through the Five-Year Plans, developed, executed, and monitored by the Planning Commission (1951-2014) and the NITI Aayog (2015-2017). 

Homosexuals, Homophobics and the Current Situation


Homosexuals, Homophobics and the Current Situation

There has been a lot of progress in terms of upliftment and rights of the LGBTQ community in recent years. All over the world, they are being emancipated from not being able to live as they want, from not being able to express themselves and their true identity. The matter is not subjective but there is still significant opposition to the idea of letting people marry or love as non-conventional couples. What are the arguments of both of these sides you may ask?

On one hand we have those infected with the “Gay disease” and anyone stupid enough to support such vermin. They want LGBTQs have the same rights as other humans, be able to marry and love freely, and not be discriminated against. How dare they? Who in their right minds would give ‘them’ actual human rights? They aren’t humans. There’s nothing human in their behaviour! Even if Homo sapiens and Homo-Sexual may suggest the contrary. Who needs science anyway? Not the contemporary world apparently.

On the other hand, we have people, mostly blind of the book, blessed by God and the only ones worthy enough to interpret what god says. According to them, God did not make people “queers” by birth and hence LGBTQs should be customary to long lasting culture. In their words, they just want to rid the land of this disease and heal the people under the shackles of this widespread disease. The most effective way is to bash them with a big giant book of your nearest favorite religious teachings. The biggest opposition they have is to ‘their’ marriages. We can’t let the vermin breed, who knows what kind of monsters they will conceive? The devil’s sons all of them! It’s too risky to let them near kids or adopt them. Now that the world is being more “tolerant,” whatever that means, we can’t kill ‘them’ on a spit-roast publicly like before. How will we teach our children to do the same with them? On a side note, I am not using the word gay because it is seen as too pejorative by the community whose argument I am displaying.

Now the government’s side on this is that “we really don’t want to lose votes from any side so we’re just gonna be as slow as possible in any implementation of laws.” Of course, you can’t blame them, in a developing country of over a billion plus, our politicians have a lot more important work to do like drinking chai, visiting Astrologers and taking the odd trip to Bangkok all while turning a blind eye to all the hate the LGBTQ community gets for no apparent reason in the Indian context. All the more reason why we don’t have something such as an “anti-discrimination law” because how can we legally force Indians not to discriminate? Its absurd, unthinkable even! We even stopped a bill on transgender rights from even coming into discussion! It’ll make half of the sitting MPs very uncomfortable of course and they truly do matter more than the common homosexual.

Satire aside, it really is a problem in the world and in our country on how homosexuals are treated. Just the fact that it needs to be written that homosexuals deserve to be treated as humans too with respect, individuality and franchise itself says a lot about human society. The progress has been slow, in the implementation of laws and most definitely in the changing of mindset of the people. It is the acceptance of the people and the changing of their mindset is what really matters because laws mean nothing without the people’s acceptance to follow them. After reading both the sides and the supposedly neutral side, but we all know which side they are on (p.s.- it’s the votes), I think we can make up our minds on what we side with, morality or repression. I have made my mind and I can be sure you have made yours’ too. 


  Let’s start with the basics. What is meant by Homosexuality and Heterosexuality in terms of Indian Teachings and much revered Scriptures? Simply said, any person who had a lack of desire for the opposite sex, were considered ‘the third gender’ by the Vedas. This third gender was clearly accepted as a part of the society without any discrimination. Of course, the terms used today are too refined to be used at those times, so they resorted to an assortment of terms like ‘hijra’ and ‘kinnar’ , quite a lot of which are used today as well, though mostly as slurs. So, what did Hinduism preach and how is it that belonging to a third gender is now ‘unacceptable’? If you have heard of the Rig Veda, you know that it is considered an utmost holy scripture, which speaks of two celestials Varuna and Mitra, who were a ‘same sex couple’(both were males), and not only that, they also managed to conceive children! I will leave the scientific part of figuring how that happened, out to you, nevertheless, they did and King Bhagirathi who achieved supernatural feats (apparently he brought the river Ganges to Earth, from Heaven) was also the child of two widowed women. Ever heard a Politician named Mahesh Sharma, say: “I worship Ramayana and I think it is a historical document. People who think it is fiction are absolutely wrong”? He also protested against the Supreme Court’s decision on the decriminalization of homosexuality, even though, Hanuman (a god in Ramayana) when in Lanka noticed several women in carnal fashion, both demonic and human. Once again all this is mythical, so what about the times where we can get proof besides written text?


Homosexuality may be considered as a new ideology amongst the minds of today’s population, but in reality, one can simply take a look at some shrines built during the twelfth to fourteenth century, such as those at Puri in Orissa or Tanjore in Kerala, which often depict a range of sculptures and statues ranging from “affectionate” hugging to romanticized glances between women, to men outright exposing themselves to each other, all of which suggests a queer intent across the subcontinent, which has been a subject of immense interest, since it is open to endless interpretations to historians in modernity.

So, despite vivid mention of sexual fluidity across Hindu Literature or architecture, why is belonging to LGBTQ+ community considered such an aberration today? Now instead of such historic references, let us come to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, where the term ‘homosexuality’ came to be used in Europe. Europeans considered a person who chose desire over the innate purpose of propagation of bloodlines as ‘criminal’ and ‘vile’. Similarly, the practices where men and women were not indulgent with members of the opposite sex, and rather felt an attraction among their own gender was deemed ‘unnatural’. In this case, the West perverted (here, distorted) the laws of their imperial colonies, and when they came to India, they passed the anti-sodomy law, disrupting the beliefs of the country’s population. Then, to say transgenderism today is part of the “western culture”, would be wrong. After British rulers passed the anti-sodomy law, many educated Indian social reformers and nationalists began to express a new aversion to what was a part of their, including polytheism, and sex outside marriage, including same-sex relationships. It also became unacceptable to write about same-sex relations in “polite literature”, throughout the first-half of the 20th century. After the culture of the country was twisted beyond recognition, the claims of queerness now became immoral. In reality, queerness was always our culture, and history is an account of it. Nevertheless, most communities continue to be unwelcoming of LGBTQ+ people, often reflecting attitudes imported from colonial times. It reveals how we have forgotten ancient Indian heritage of recognizing and accommodating queer sexualities, and have submitted to “Victorian morality”. This colonization of the mind was reflected in IPC Section 377 that saw non-heterosexual non-procreative sex as ‘against the order of nature’. This outdated law was finally struck down by the Supreme Court on 6 September 2018.


The deism of Hinduism is fluid, where Gods changed forms from Rocks, to Rivers to men to women to hermaphrodites (saguna), and sometimes became formless (nirguna). Hinduism should not be misunderstood as an anti-passion religion, as choosing to pursue one’s desires does not make them any less spiritual or sinful. The verdict in 2018 was highly overdue, since it led us to give up simply controlling someone else, restricting their freedom and refusing to understand the diversity that is our culture.


Hopefully, one day Families will realize the value of someone’s sexuality rather than constrict it and understand there are several ways to life and to love, which need not fit the traditional norms. We all appreciate Tim Cook, the openly gay CEO of Apple, singers like Halsey and actors like Ellen Page, or television hosts such as Ellen deGeneres and in the future, we must refrain from denying employment, education, healthcare, and most importantly, love, to anyone based on their identity. Hopefully people will recognize the simple fact that if you ARE gender-fluid, you will always be gender-fluid. At the least, we can be allies, supporting and creating a safe space for the third gender in our world. Our choice of action can be either rooted in love, or hatred. That is in our choice, and both ignorance and exclusion, are not love.






This title here is a sarcastic statement. When talking about the LGBT community, we have to keep in mind that, we are not here to dwell on the past, not to play blame games, we are hear to join our heads together and make self-acceptance in LGBT community and make them a part of us. Looking towards the catastrophic situations created by the Covid-19 pandemic, we all forgot that apart from the rest of the casualties, the LGBT community has suffered even worse than ever before. Where everyone lost their jobs, many became unemployed, homeless, the daily wage workers became even poorer and are living on roadside. The girls working in household jobs became lost their work, in such scenarios, the LGBT community which was already suffering huge discrimination and difficulties in finding proper jobs, employment, education, living, saw the worst parts of their lives, where no food, no money, no house, no water. The covid-19 pandemic has caused the worst damage to the LGBT community and now its even difficult to lift them out of the poverty and off such an adverse situation. In India, the present scenarios clearly implies that now, we must take strict actions against all those parties which are a troublemaker to the LGBT community. The current situation in India, is like a nightmare. The Covid-19 situation, the crisis period, the insecurity, the fear of being tested positive for corona virus, lack of awareness and education, exploitation of forced-labor, children, girls etc. All this adds up to more than a well of troubles. The worst affected are the daily-wage workers, girls, poor, middle class, and the LGBT community. Out of these if we talk about not even able to get access to any facility, is the LGBT community. The LGBT community has suffered beyond our imagination, and still not even able to come out of it. During this pandemic, and crisis the LGBT community has seen the darkest side of the world, where they can’t even have access to education, health care, jobs and employment. The society has neglected and ignored the LGBT community, as if their existence is opposed by the God. People have no idea what the LGBT community have seen in their lives and what will come in distant future. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender are struggling majorly because of the stigma and superstition in the society, and nothing else. People here in this country do not realize the pain of others, they just inject pain as much as possible. What we all see is just the upper layer or the roof top, we haven’t seen the bitter reality of the conditions in which the LGBT community live. Hence, its high time to just criticize and think, it’s time to initiate plans and take actions to assist LGBT community and other people as well to come out of such issues.



The current situation in India, is like a nightmare. The Covid-19 situation, the crisis period, the insecurity, the fear of being tested positive for corona virus, lack of awareness and education, exploitation of forced-labor, children, girls etc. All this adds up to more than a well of troubles. The worst affected are the daily-wage workers, girls, poor, middle class, and the LGBT community. Out of these if we talk about not even able to get access to any facility, is the LGBT community.

The LGBT community has suffered beyond our imagination, and still not even able to come out of it. During this pandemic, and crisis the LGBT community has seen the darkest side of the world, where they can’t even have access to education, health care, jobs and employment. The society has neglected and ignored the LGBT community, as if their existence is opposed by the God. People have no idea what the LGBT community have seen in their lives and what will come in distant future. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender are struggling majorly because of the stigma and superstition in the society, and nothing else. People here in this country do not realize the pain of others, they just inject pain as much as possible.

What we all see is just the upper layer or the roof top, we haven’t seen the bitter reality of the conditions in which the LGBT community live. Hence, its high time to just criticize and think, it’s time to initiate plans and take actions to assist LGBT community and other people as well to come out of such issues.


  We have always been exposed to certain gender signifiers regarding colors, piercings, hair length, body building and the list goes on. We tend to always assign a color to femininity and masculinity, namely pink and blue. How often you come across people gifting dolls to little boys? These created norms the society has bound us with since a very early stage seem to have made us reluctant to accept the people that we see not following them. In terms of awareness we may appear to be ascending but in terms of practical approach, we descend. While giving the LGBTQ+ community legal rights we push them forward but rise in hate crime rate push them down. Protests, rallies for dignity in society seems to uplift them but rigidity in terms of feminine and masculine plunges it down. Willingness to post about LGBTQ awareness shows open-mindedness  but reluctance to allow them part of your social group proves the intolerance. Accepting everyone has freedom to express themselves in the way that they want is aflame but to be weirded out by cross dressing is shame. 

Every person regardless of the fact to which religion they belong, what ideals the believe in, what choice they prefer, what section of the society they belong to and which ever gender/race/sexuality they belong to have the right to be treated human but still honor killings, prejudice, bullying, rapes, marginalization, social exclusion still prevail in our society with the ratio in rural areas being more than in urban areas, people tend to look down upon them as they are not "normal" but how can someone define normal as being normal is highly subjective. What you consider normal may not be normal to someone else and everyone should respect that but not harass them for being different. People consider being part of LGBTQ community as socially and biological unacceptable, a mental disorder ,a disease, a 'phase' that one will eventually get over but it's high time we realize that these conventional and orthodox views are long gone and that it is toxic and highly erroneous to still support them.

All of us in some ways make efforts no matter how small can help increase LGBTQ+ dignity and awareness. To stop bullying, to speak against homophobia, to not use offensive slurs against them, to educate the uneducated and try to change the boundaries of the conventional society can be of great impact. How others treat someone is who they are but how we react is who we are and we must act on what is right no matter if the majority follow the wrong. Being aware regarding the genders, pronouns and sexualities is in welfare of us as a whole. To do the least, let's accept everyone and respect them. How difficult can it be to treat people with kindness or just not to look upon them as a disgrace? Let us all give in our effort to create a society where nobody needs coming out videos to show who they are.

Note: The following article has been written by Avni Singh and published at Kanpur Wallah by senior executive, Pallakshi Pandiya.


It was a cold night in the spring of 580BCE, Dionysos, a peasant in the realm of Attika was strolling on the beach, it was a long and hard day and he had toiled under his master for long, he sat on the beach wondering about his life, thoughts filled his head, he had made up his mind to leave slavery, he thought that he could slowly earn money and buy back his freedom. While his head flooded with thoughts, waves crashed on huge ships in the distance, they were triremes, ever-present to remind the people that they were safe under the watchful eyes of Themistocles, their elected king. The ships were coming closer, for a second Dionysos thought it was weird but gave no second thought to it, after a while, the ships became clearer, they were red in color, peculiar as the ships blessed by Athena were all bright blue, there was no mistake, he thought to himself, those were Trojan ships. The Trojans had attack where and when nobody expected. It was the Olympics, the Trojans had broken the truce, those brutes! At first Dionysos thought of his family, what would happen of his beautiful wife and his child to be, will they all be enslaved by the armies of Troy and sold in the Agoras and bazaars of Ionia? Will he be subjugated to build the walls of Troy, what would happen of his dreams to finally break off his shackles as a Helot and become a free man? No, he couldn’t sit still, he had to do something, so he did what a coward would, but with the heart of a brave man. He started running towards the capital, he had to inform the Athenians about what was to come, the ships weren’t far, it wouldn’t have taken even another hour for them to land their troops onto Attika. Athens was a hundred and twenty stadia away, it would take any normal man an hour but the determination in him gave him the might of Achilles, he ran and ran till his bare soles bled dry, he barely felt them and on he went into Athens, through the marvelous gate bulwarking the city from the walls he went in and raced up the Parthenon, he came to the feet of the Statue of Goddess Athena and shouted, “Save us oh goddess, Trojans at Marathon!” This did the trick, the city was put on alert and the gates were barricaded, still a problem bothered Themistocles, though Athens’ walls could hold, the food supply couldn’t, the Trojans would pillage and slaughter the countryside of Attika and Athens would be laid siege to, the fall would come, so he made the hard decision to meet the invaders in the field and stop them in their tracks.

Themistocles urged his Corinthian and Thebian allies to send help, messengers were quickly dispatched. Whatever ships could be mustered were readied and deployed out of Piraeus harbor, it was a sight to behold as the magnificent ships moved in formation, exiting the bay. The bright blue lines they formed looked like very ink that writ the pages of Athenian democracy, unlike those Trojans who laid their lives for despots and tyrannics. Themistocles led his army, he was more of a bureaucrat than a warrior, but he knew that his presence would mean a lot for morale, the Athenian army raced to Marathon, eight hundred men strong led by a contingent of a hundred horsemen, the pearl white steeds rode by well-trained Athenians, famously known as the Centaurs. About halfway through, the army started crossing the forest, the most direct path was through it. As the going was slow, the heavy Athenian armor got bogged down but just then, with ghostly footsteps and the sound of cracking leaves as the only warning, bearing down on the Athenians came the enemy soldiers, they were Persian soldiers, their robes indicated that they were immortals, highly trained and the best that Persia had to offer. Quick and agile, the terrain favored the enemy while the Athenian preference for armor and shields didn’t help in that situation. Themistocles’ bodyguards fought off the attack, the army had taken a beating, Themistocles still kept marching forward. It was now clear to him that with the Persians on Troy’s side, the battle would be one to delay the invasion, not to stop it. He finally reached Marathon, from the rocky heights he could see that the Trojan ships had completed their amphibious landing and a lot of the troops had landed. The ships numbered vast and the Athenian Navy would take another few hours to reach, with his men being outnumbered more than ten to one, he tried to set up defenses, but the Trojans didn’t sit idle, knowing that the Athenian navy might reach anytime, the Trojans struck, trying to push their advantage, the fighting was fierce but alas most of the Athenian army had been slaughtered to a man, the only ones to live to tell the tale were the centaurs, who on Themistocles’ orders, retreated back with him to Athens. They reached Athens, the news of the defeat had sparked panic in the city, the now crowded city, as most of the country had been moved in the protection of Athena’s walls. Themistocles was too busy urging allies to send immediate help, vacating all the messengers he could to all nearby forts, outposts and friendly cities and empires, still, it could be weeks before any major force from Lakonia or Corinth, the two most powerful allies, could be sent. Others in Themistocles’ court had other solutions, one especially Aristides, his greatest critic and political rival thought of what Athenians did best, pray to Athena. 

The statue of Athena, fifty cubits in height, standing atop the already immensely tall fort of the Parthenon, dominated the city from above, so around it, the whole slew of priests walked in a circle, around the Parthenon complex, fulfilling every rite to satisfy Athena. Incense, oils, papyrus and gold, all those important to the gods had been arranged for. Soon enough, the citizens joined standing inside and around the circle of priests, chanting along prayers. On the other side of the city Themistocles saw the enemy arrive, the Trojans, joined by a numerous army of Persians, allied to defeat Athens, and more importantly, Athenian democracy, the rise of which had been giving them troubles due to civic strife in their own lands. The troops were spread thin and eventually, on of the gates crumbled against the might of the battering rams that Persian engineers had constructed so wisely. The first of the men to break inside Athens’ walls, a feat not achieved since they were built, was the Trojan commander and apparent heir to the dynasty, Hector. The trickle from the gate soon meant that a flood would follow, Themistocles had to make the hard choice of keeping a few men to sacrifice themselves and hold the gates while he and the rest of his army pulled back to the walls of the Parthenon, the tall steps leading up to it the only bulwark between the Athenians and their invaders. The prayers had seemed to have gone into vain, led astray. Still, Themistocles reluctantly joined the prayer, how could he pray with inner peace when he say the very thing he worked his entire life for, the city he had nurtured, crumble against invaders? Just then, a massive storm rolled in, the likes of which no mortal had yet seen, it came from the northwest, moving from over Mt. Olympus. The rain spelled liquid as hard as hail and the storm so massive that even the sky trembled in its presence. The clouds along with the storm and rain formed an incredible sight, it was the silhouette of a man, well-built and dressed in robes, things as strong as Achilles and arms as vast as Hades, when lightning struck, it illuminated the silhouette into a shadow, it could not be missed, it was the very pater of Athena, it was Zeus himself descending from the heavens! The people were in awe and shock, commanders of both sides grinned assuming typically that god was on their side but Zeus had seemed to have sided with his favorite daughter.

Lightning struck the ground, which responded with massive upheaval and tremors, where the ground had been struck, beasts emerged out by tearing the earth, they were cyclopes, massive one-eyed beasts, beautifully adorned but just as merciless and daunting from the inside, they started slashing through the Trojan armies, the Persians, completely indifferent to Greek culture had not known what the beast was but such a sight would terrify anyone. Soon enough, Hector and his armies were killed. The rest of the armies and supplies, still on the beaches had fled, seeing the cyclops from that distance, towering over the omnipresent Athena. The city had been defended, the cyclops collapsed back into the void they emerged from, the ravage of the storm ended and Zeus disappeared as mysteriously as he had emerged, some citizens couldn’t believe their eyes, others felt patriotic on the fact that Zeus had sided with them. Aristedes, the never quitting opponent to Themistocles left Athens that very day, he set out for Mount Olympus and determined to do the impossible task of climbing to its great heights, for Themistocles, he knew had a difficult few days ahead, it was not the first or last time that Athens had to be rebuilt, but it was definitely the first for him after having been protected by Zeus.