This title here is a sarcastic statement. When talking about the LGBT community, we have to keep in mind that, we are not here to dwell on the past, not to play blame games, we are hear to join our heads together and make self-acceptance in LGBT community and make them a part of us. Looking towards the catastrophic situations created by the Covid-19 pandemic, we all forgot that apart from the rest of the casualties, the LGBT community has suffered even worse than ever before. Where everyone lost their jobs, many became unemployed, homeless, the daily wage workers became even poorer and are living on roadside. The girls working in household jobs became lost their work, in such scenarios, the LGBT community which was already suffering huge discrimination and difficulties in finding proper jobs, employment, education, living, saw the worst parts of their lives, where no food, no money, no house, no water. The covid-19 pandemic has caused the worst damage to the LGBT community and now its even difficult to lift them out of the poverty and off such an adverse situation. In India, the present scenarios clearly implies that now, we must take strict actions against all those parties which are a troublemaker to the LGBT community. The current situation in India, is like a nightmare. The Covid-19 situation, the crisis period, the insecurity, the fear of being tested positive for corona virus, lack of awareness and education, exploitation of forced-labor, children, girls etc. All this adds up to more than a well of troubles. The worst affected are the daily-wage workers, girls, poor, middle class, and the LGBT community. Out of these if we talk about not even able to get access to any facility, is the LGBT community. The LGBT community has suffered beyond our imagination, and still not even able to come out of it. During this pandemic, and crisis the LGBT community has seen the darkest side of the world, where they can’t even have access to education, health care, jobs and employment. The society has neglected and ignored the LGBT community, as if their existence is opposed by the God. People have no idea what the LGBT community have seen in their lives and what will come in distant future. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender are struggling majorly because of the stigma and superstition in the society, and nothing else. People here in this country do not realize the pain of others, they just inject pain as much as possible. What we all see is just the upper layer or the roof top, we haven’t seen the bitter reality of the conditions in which the LGBT community live. Hence, its high time to just criticize and think, it’s time to initiate plans and take actions to assist LGBT community and other people as well to come out of such issues.