How to lecture without stress?

Talking skills to pull in a professional environment are very important, whether we give an official presentation, whether we will have a simple dialogue with our president. Fear of public speech is a very real thing; In a ranking, the average fear of people from a general speech is more than death. The fact is that this fear can damage your professional and personal life. You are already in that position that you feel in this situation, the palm of your hand sweats and you feel like you do, but you do not want to do it, but you should find a way, the way you overcome the fear and stress of these conditions.

1.      Organize:

When you organize all your content, help you make it more comfortable and more relaxed, when you have a clear and organized denial, you can greatly reduce the anxiety of talking, because you can focus more on what you have and provide a good lecture.


2.      Practice and prepare widely:

Nothing will be practiced and prepared for lecture; Get a handwritten key to your key points, but do not read the word from it for your speech well to answer any possible questions asked.

3.      Discard fear:

 If my audience hated my speech? What happens if I tell me what the scene is left? All your fears from rejection. Because your audience is there to listen to you.


4.      Focus on patterns:

When you are talking, try to find the flow and rhythm; have short sentences and repeat the key points. Short pause between sentences and points can make audiences eager to wait for what you want.


5.      Watch yourself in the mirror:

 If you really want to know how to improve public speech skills, practice your speech against the mirror, as if you are talking directly to someone. Your face mode, your body movements.


6.      Record your voice and learn:

Record your lecture on your phone or camera; From the first time to record your talk, then listen to it or look (watch). Do not write what you get better. Some people do not like to listen to their voice, so it's important to pay attention to your speech sound and style.


7.      Work on your breath:

When you focus on your breathing, the twist will be more and you will calm down, make a comfortable breath and focus on its rhythm, although this is a general speech practice, helps reduce stress in all areas of life.


8.      Provide your speech for others, of course, just your friends once:

There are a lot of people who can practice with them, make sure that the person in your critique is perfectly honest with you examples of people you can practice with them. Your friends are your parents talking directly allegations to you quiet and get the experience of communication with others, if they asked your lecture, they may (audiences) have similar questions from you.

9.      PowerPoint can be really good or really bad:

 Sometimes a PowerPoint can be your best friend, if you missed your thoughts, you can help you engage your audience and take people to get the memo and the main points to take a place.


10.  Choose a topic that you really care about:

How to choose a theme that you really care about: This issue should have an indirect effect on you. You want to share it with others, so you feel that others can benefit from your knowledge. You can and when you talk about something with passion, you feel more comfortable.


11.  Be calm and forget about the general speech:

 When you move stress away from yourself, you relieve your body that makes you less tension.


12.  Do not think too much to react to the audience:

 In the audience there are always people who talk to the phone or yawning that there are always people who are tired and bored. Whatever the audience, in person, do not react to what they do.


13.  Avoid talking sharp :

Sharp talking, during the lecture with your respiratory pattern and rhythm, if you talk sharp, breathe less and feel short of breath will cause your fear and anxiety. Practice to talk slowly. This helps you to be more calm.


14.  Have a plan to improve your next speech:

Practice makes it better if there is a movie from your speech, watch it and see how to better practice in the next time.

(This article has been sent by Sonam Qaumi, a writer from Afghanistan.)