What is the difference in online education with traditional training?

When students intend to choose one of these two methods, they may only consider the most distinctive difference between the classroom and the computer, while there are many differences between the two, which has a significant impact on individual academic achievement. In this text, we plan to raise some of these factors. One of the factors that leads to the difference in online education with traditional education can be referred to the following:

·         Learning styles

The first difference in online education with traditional training is usually, in online education, the independent learning styles are more. Students who study online are expected to act as self-governing their academic goals, and at the same time balance the balance of other responsibilities. In some lessons, some online learning styles are preferable to the rest. For example, a Dari, mainly based on visual content, is a favorite of students who learn from the way. There are educational methods that are provided in the form of audio lectures, this method is useful for students who learn from the way. Teachers can record audio and load audio using the school management software and students listen to these items using their dedicated school software. Although there are still incorrect perceptions about online education, including that they are isolated by students, but it's better to know that today in most online school training programs are used in active educational spaces in which people make different activities. Also, in them, we are witnessing peer relationship with each other and the student interaction with the online teacher. This is an online training feature for people who can learn lessons alongside others.

Some communication ways in online educational space include:

·         Email

·         Forum Instant Messaging

·         Video Conferencing

·         School Software

Nevertheless, comparing online education with traditional education, the traditional training method provides the need for students, whose learning style is collaborative. Especially those who learn from being heard or movement and movement. Also, in traditional educational environments, the possibility of interacting in the student and what is inside the class and outside. In addition, in physical classes, there are conditions for social and scientific support of students from each other in the educational environment.


·         Class environment

In a traditional educational atmosphere, several students are gathered together at a particular time and place. They may be present at their discussion sessions and independent groups at their peers. Interact after class or during office hours with their instructor. This style of training in traditional schools is mostly teacher, that is, the educator who is aware of a person who is aware and experienced in their specialized subject to students. Some online courses follow the same pattern, in which online class meetings and questions and questions are held online and in the hours of school agencies. However, other online courses are more flexible, which means that students can choose the time and place that is most appropriate for their training. This style of training in online training programs is more student and students, according to the lesson, are optionally different from the speed of learning and time attending class.


·         Technology

For the student, the proper performance in the virtual class must have the basic knowledge of the computer in this field. Teachers should also know how to integrate these resources in lessons and learn how to use them. Usually online teachers in the smart school use a learning management system. In addition to the communication methods we discussed earlier, some media that can be used in online courses are web pages, web shows, software programs, webcasts, search engines and social media. Although traditional classes are carried out in physical space, students and teachers should be somewhat of technical skills necessary to use programs that help them generate document, search-based searches and other technical resources. Therefore, traditional classes, teachers or students do not need to learn how to use and use some of the technologies in educational programs.

(This article has been sent to us from Afghanistan by Sonam Qaumi.)

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