Discussing the implementation of fictitious technology and their impact on practical functioning in the day-to-day walk of life
The term 'fictitious' can be abruptly defined as something which is invented or virtual (artificial). Fictitious technology can have different meanings based on one's interpretation but the most suitable aspect would be considering the evolution of future technology and artificial technology. Fictitious technology may shape the future of technology and hence, we must examine its practical impacts. We belong to a progressive society. The strategies which are performing better are adapted by the population. As time progresses, people adapt to a fitter and fitter strategy, which eventually leads to an evolutionary stable strategy, which serves as a lucid and informed guide for future progress. The advancement of technology can be seen as a result of society's expectation from this progress. We have a shared competition in this world for the resources. This competition often leads to conflicts and the competing groups try to lessen the occasions of the other, rather than enhancing theirs. The Hawk-Dove game can be quoted as a flawless example for the above situation. The field of genomics provides an opportunity to break the brain's code to diagnose and treat neurological and mental illnesses. According to the concept of Nanorobotics, autonomous machines at the scale of 10^(-9) meters can diagnose and treat human diseases at the cellular level. The hyperloop project provides the scope of having flying cars in the future bringing our fiction-like dreams to life.
Mark Zukerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has already put his stake at AI by saying that, “AI is going to make our lives better in the future”. The example of chess proposes a vision for the complementary roles of humans and AI; they offer different, but complementary capabilities, necessary for effective decision making. Benevolent AI CEO , Joana Shields, even sees AI as an attempt to read the enormous number of science research papers which would be a career defining measure for the young scientists out there. The facility of driverless cars and automobiles provides faster speeds, resulting in reduced commuting time. This, in turn, will attract real estate humongously. But every good thing comes with a price to pay. To analyze this statement practically, let's take a day-to-day life example. If an algorithm is driving a car the creator must make sure to include physical specifications, say how a 5 year old girl, a 30 year old woman, and a 80 year old woman will respond to the particular speed of the car or how the same age groups would react to a car speeding towards them, the algorithm should react accordingly. Additionally, the algorithm must balance ethics and emotional sensitivity. If it has to kill one person to save multiple people in a given situation, will the algorithm take the decision pertaining to the same ethics and morals as humans? We will suffer a huge loss in this scenario, where our ethics will be overruled by the algorithms. We must remember that for the idea of artificial companionship to be our new normal, we have to change ourselves in the process, we are remaking human values and human connections. The increasing use of smart technologies and internet facilities has become a significant part of our lives, integrated into many aspects.
When we look back some years, our decisions and thoughts were majorly based on our mental opinions. But in the current world, people's decisions are majorly based on other opinions. We can look deeply into the current situations in order to have a clean shot at the future methodology. It's easy to observe that their revenues have significantly increased in the past two years. This also favours the infamous report, alleging a tie between Facebook and the current government for political agenda. Hence, we can say that advertisements affect our behavior significantly, and tech industries will earn heavily by exploiting them in the future. The code-ification of money, markets, payments, and trust can be regarded as the next big inflection point in the history of financial services. Prices are distorted by monopoly power of firms and powerful institutions. We know that the silicon valley and other tech hubs came into prominence in the 1980s. The enhancement of technology will make it harder for a lower middle class person to earn a livelihood in the future. But this technology also has a positive impact. Machines can do what doctors want their patients to do. Technology could open up new forms of rehabilitation and access for patients recovering from a stroke or an amputation. This could also prove to be a magical support to medical interventions. The long distance connectivity has also affected the relations and cultures of our society. We are already living in a Mcdonalized society (as proposed by Ritzer) after the splitting of USSR and the formation of Russia as a central state, and future technology will just take us even further from our cultures.
We must remember that too much power is dangerous to handle. But in the end, all this debate just remains a part of our imagination and this whole report is just one of the many possible permutations. One can render the whole discussion pointless because it's just based on possibilities, and compare it to the fictional world of movies. But, as I stated in the beginning, regular progress and expectations fulfill the obligations of this discussion.
This article was sent by a brilliant student, Shivansh Tiwari
Thanks Ishaan for trusting me and publishing this article.