Education's revolution

The difference between a developed country and a developing country is the education and equality status. In most of the developed countries all castes, religions and genders get the same education at a much lower cost as compared to private schools and be it a rich or a poor family, they prefer to send their kids to the government school. Education in specific is something everybody deserves to have. A man's true potential can be unlocked only by proper education. It does not only befit that person but all the upcoming generations of his family with better opportunities and living conditions , as well as the country ,as in turn the person contributes better to the economy. In India there is law that oversees the education of children from the age group 6-14 ,but is the existence of an act important or it's implementation? The situation in the govermnet schools is dreadful. Children of different age groups are seen sitting in the same class and learning the same topics, in some places teachers are misusing their job and not showing up to the school on time and constantly taking days off without a proper leave note. There sure is a change coming our way but it is too slow to be satisfied with. The longer it takes the more people affected. The government should pay attention towards the implementation of educational policies and even the citizens should do their bit in whatever way fit to them. We must thrive for perfection until we achieve it. "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often".

Aarohi Singh
Correspondent (Kanpur Wallah)